A recording of this show can be found here!
KONP and Prevention Works! together will offer a radio sharing time to deal with some of the social and emotional questions parents, grandparents and other caregivers have about children in this COVID-19 caused pause in our society. On Thursday, April 23rd KONP’s Todd Ortloff’s 1:05 PM radio show will feature two local psychologists available to answer parenting concerns.
Rachel Hardies MA, LMHC, of New Growth Counseling, and Mary Wegmann, PhD local psychologist, now retired will be on air with Todd Ortloff to answer questions emailed earlier from parents, grandparents and other caregivers about their children and themselves during this time of social physical distancing. Questions must be sent ahead of Thursday’s program to [email protected] Emailed questions will be compiled by PW! Your name will not be used unless you give consent.
Resources seem less available with playgrounds, churches and schools closed. Tune in to local radio KONP for Ortloff’s long standing community talk show as Ms. Hardies and Dr. Wegmann offer short answers and suggest helpful resources!
Are you wondering if Stella’s worries about COVID-19 is normal for a 5 year old? Does Louie’s 28th question that day asking why he cannot go to school push you over the edge? Is increased “Tween Screen Time” worrying you? Are all the protective masks frightening your child? As families are home with young children day in and day out, questions about our children may become worrisome.
Remember to email your questions ahead to the above address. If this first show is successful there are more professionals willing to help KONP offer expertise addressing family success with children at staying home, staying safe and staying sane!